Sunday, September 19, 2010


Our Current novel by Khaled Hosseini

For those of you who didn't see this clip or would like to see it again. 

The following link is about the threat by the Taliban facing Afghan people who attempt to vote in the upcoming elections. 

Think about the experience our most recent election - The Election of President Barack Obama. How is this experience different from the Afghans' experience and what does this tell us about life in Afghanistan?


  1. The experience of the election of president Barack Obama is different from the Afghans' experience because during the election, no one was getting hurt or getting threatened as bad as in Afghanistan. This tells me that life in Afghanistan is vicious and degrading.

  2. I think the experience of the election of president Barack Obama was more inspiring because we were having a new president that was from a different race who had told us he was going to try his best to making to changes for the good of the people. Afghanistan in the other hand was going through a tragedy with everything going on inside their country. unfair laws were passed, women were not getting treated equally, and their was destruction all over. This shows that life in Afghanistan was difficult for the people

  3. Their experience is different from ours because we have the right to vote and voice our opinions. The people in Afghanistan don't have as much freedom as we do. Especially with the Taliban ruling. They are limited to the things that we take for granted. This tells me how strict and unfair the Taliban are, and how strong Afghanistan people are because they tolerate all the rules/laws the Taliban pass.

  4. the election of president barack obama is really different because we the people chose to elect him because the united states is a democratic means majority rules, for the people by the people. right now in Afghanistan they are trying to vote for democracy, but i don't know if they would be successful since life in Afghanistan is really hard. Afghanistan have never really been an independent country. others countries always want to invade it. but most likely i don't think they would be a democratic country.

  5. The way that our experience is different from what the Afghan's experience is that we have the freedom and the right to vote. The Afgan's are banned from voting. This tells me that life in Afghanistan was really harsh and rough society to live in. They were under the rule of the Taliban and they would rip upthe voting instructions and kill millions of people just so that they didnt vote.

  6. As a nation we were ready for change when we ecknowledged a black president into the white house. In contrast to life in Afghanistan, they are not ready to open up new doors for change. As citizens we have the right to vote, in Afghanistan people do not have a say in who is elected president. "For the people by the people" In the United States we live as a democratic nation that allows us to choose our leader and we have basic rights. In Afghanistan people do not have freedom of expression. Politics in Afghanistan is not made under compromise. Afghanistan is not ready for change. They are not ready to separate religion from politics when it comes to ruling its country. They are afraid of the after mass and its effects on the country. They are unsure of what kind of change would bring their traditional rule and life in Afghanistan will become more violent.

  7. The election of President Barack Obama was an amazing expierence. Everyone believed he was gonna change the United States, unlike George Bush who had made many mistakes during his presidency. This expierence is very different from the Afghan's expierence because in Afganistan people didnt have voting rights and werent able to choose who they wanted to rule their country. Women were treated badly and their government wasnt stable.

    - Stephanie Quizhpi

  8. The experience of the election of president obama is different from the afghans because the people eligible to vote werent deprived or threatend to vote for who they wanted like the afghans are. This tells us that the afghans are still living in fear because of the talibans and that it hasnt changed. The afghans are still not use to having the freedom to have the right to elected the president.

  9. Thinking about our most recent election, the election of President Barack Obama brings back memories of unity, love, and excitement. Many people talked about the positive and negative things that our president wanted to bring. Even though many people were for the republic government that didn't cause any problems. Our experience is way different than the Afghans. The Afghans seem to take their elections very seriously. Throughout the whole election people are injured and even killed. Life is Afghanistan is hard, each day things are getting worse and worse. Just by having opinions things can get really bad.

  10. the experience is different because Afghans' will probably be force to vote for someone in particular with out wanting to. Compared to the election of Pres. Obama we were able to choose freely with out any pressure from a person or a group.This tells me that life in Afghanistan contains a lot of force and some elements of dictatorship which shows the people dont have a say in many things especially women.

  11. The outcoming election for the Afghan's experience is different from our elections in america because we are free to vote for who ever we want without being scared and terrorized by another group of people. This tells us that the life in afghanistan is hard and they do not have freedom like they should they live in fear.

  12. Here in America we have a lot more freedom when it comes to elections. In Afghanistan everyone who goes o vote is either threatened or killed. In America we do not have to worry about those things when we go to vote. Basically in Afghanistan you really have a say when it comes to elections because if try to vote there is a big possibility of dying.

  13. A Thousand Splendid Suns has opened my eyes to the differences that the USA has with other countries. In Amereica women are free, they can chose their husbands and when they WANT to get married. In Afghanistan, they don't have those freedoms. I feel that America is the best place to go if you're under this type of gender poverty.

  14. The experience of the election of president Barack Obama is different from the Afghans' experience because during the election, no of the people that are living in Aghanist were hurt.In one hand Afghanistan was going through a tragedy with everything going on inside their country. This tells us that the life in Afghanistan is hard and they do not have freedom like to do the things they should they live in fear in Afghanistan.
    - JAzmin Carrera

  15. The elcetion of Barack Obama was fascinating and exciting. In the inaguration, he made African Americans proud and inspired many. In Afghanistan, the people aren't happy, but are terrorized by evil influences. This tells me that Afgans are in a state of terror and hatred and misery 24/7.

  16. the ecperience is different between the election of President Obama and Afghanistan because in the election of President Obama noone was hurt or killed, people had the right and the freedom the choice to choose whoever you want. In Afghan people were hurt and alot of people were killed and that shows me that its not Safe and its really bad in Afghan

  17. In America we are allowed to vote for the President of our choice, as people did recently in voting in the first black President.We pick the leader that we feel will best benefit our country. No one can prevent Americans from voting, you won't be threatened or abused if you vote. In America we are free to vote.In Afghanistan if you go to vote you will be beaten and sometime even murdered. It tells us that life in Afghanistan isnt easy. That the Afghan people live in fear with less freedom rights. It also tells us about their government as a dictatorship rather than a democracy like America's.

  18. When Obama was elected some people may not have liked the idea but at least he did't obtain his votes by cheatig. Also, the people who voted we not intimidated by a regime making the voters fear the elections and not take part in it. But because thier government doesn't like the result or the people does not like the result the start bombing buildings or riots causing the death of many people.

  19. I feel that these people have every right to vote because it isnt fair for the election to be come a fraud. I feel as if the Afghanistan people should fight for their rights as citizens, and that they should show the Tabilan that they can stick together and stand up for what they believe in. they shouldnt have to give up their freedom for someone elses benfits.
