Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Amir as a Character

Amir - The Kite Runner

Reflect on Amir's character; how does his relationship with Baba influence the way he treats Hassan.

Please write one WELL DEVEOPED paragraph giving your opinion.


  1. The relationship Amir has with Baba influences the way Amir treats Hassan in that he sometimes gets jealous of Hassan because he feels that Baba treats Hassan like the favorite. In chapter six Baba takes Amir and Hassan to Safio's to buy their kites and when Baba brought Amir his kite Amir said he wished he never brought Hassan the kite too, he wished he would let him be the favorite. In the beginning of chapter eight Amir asked his father if they could go to Jalalabad and his father agreed and asked him to bring Hassan along as well and though Amir didn't really tell his father he didn't want Hassan to go to himself he said "why did Baba have to spoil it?" But I don't blame Amir because he does not really spend a lot of time with his father and feels like he is not as important to him so whenever there is a chance to bond with him he only wants it to be him and his father no one else. At the same time it is selfish of him to think that way because Hassan doesn't have bad intentions and respects Amir very much. Though at times Amir treats Hassan not very well and plays tricks on him he loves him very much, he is like a brother to Amir but Amir himself doesn't know how to act when he is in the position of choosing between Hassan or Assef and his friends. For example the day Assef was picking on Hassan for being a Hazara he told Amir why he was he hanging out with someone like Hassan and Amir stood quite and didn't say nothing but to himself he said that Hassan wasn't his friend but a servant and thinking of that is just as bad as saying it because thats what he believed.

  2. I think the relationship Amir has with Baba in the beginning is what triggers Amir to act the way he acts with Hassan. I believe that if Amir had a good relationship with his dad from the start then Amir wouldnt have made all the wrong decisions such as letting Hassan get raped just to show Baba he got the kite, which would make Baba proud. I also think that if Baba had given Amir more attention, then Amir would have more respect for Hassan, I think everything Amir did to Hassan was just for attention and he knew that Hassan was the one and only person who would give him all the attention and do anything for him. The reason I believe Amir just wanted attention was because everytime he did something bad to Hassan he always felt bad for doing it after, he knew what he did was wrong. I also believe Amir wants Baba to treat him the way Hassan does.

    - Stephanie Quizhpi

  3. I believe Amir the protagonist in the novel The Kite Runner is very selfish. My reasoning to this is because him being selfish in the beginning of the book afffects how his relationship with baba influences they way he treats Hassan. Amir cooping with the fact his mother left he looked for the acceptance from his dad which he never seemed to fulfill in the beginning of the book. Amir worrying about impressing his dad effected the way he treated Hassan. He didnt treat Hassan as a friend but as a servant and didn't really care about Hassans emotions .

  4. Amir has a slight jealously towards Hassan. Perhaps jealously is not an apporaite word in this case. Amir is envious of Hassan. Why? Well Baba treats Hassan like his own if not even better. if Baba would buy Amir something he would buy Hassan it too or if they went out Baba would offer Amir to invite Hassan. There was one incident that happened; one day Baba placed his hands on Hassan shoulders and Amir wish it had been him. i guess the reason why Amir acts the way he does to Hassan because deep down he secretly wish he was Hassan , that way his father would always be nice towards him and affectionate.

  5. Since Baba began to love Amir like a son, he neglects Hassan and even treats him like a nobody. He even wanted Hassan to go away. If Baba didn't start loving Amir, Hassan and him would still be friends

  6. Amir's relationship with Baba is not as loving as it should be. Baba doesn't support or seem to be proud of his own son. Amir must feel isolated from his so-called only family. But Baba gives Hassan what he wants and seems to love him more than Amir. Amir acts selfish towards Hassan because he is probably jealous

  7. Amirs's relationship with Baba influenced the way he treated Hassan.Amir seemed to be almost jealous of Hassan because he had people who were proud of the things he accomplished. On the other hand Amir would write stories but they never caught the eye of Baba. Baba seemed to be more proud of Hassan rather then his own son.Hassan was good at flying kites, and Amir never won a race befor. Babe was excellent in all that he did and he just wanted his son to follolw in his foot steps. When Amir won his first race he finally felt wanted by Baba and made him proud. All his happiness soon became a down fall.

  8. Amir's relationship with Baba was something he always wanted but it wasnt how he wanted to get it. Amair was accepted by Baba through winning the kite tournament. Amir get Baba loves through bad situations. Amir tries to get rid of Hassan so he can have Baba all to himself. once Amir had gotten rid of hassan this makes him uncomfortable so he regrets his decision.

  9. When Amir finally gets the relationship he wanted with Baba he gets it but through a bad situation. What happened to Hassan affects Amir so much that he cant stand seeing him. He wants to get rid of Hassan because it makes Amir uncomfortable and thats not how Amir wants to feel when his with Baba. He thinks that by not having Hassan around it will make things better.

  10. Amir wanted to have a good relationship with baba but when he finally got it his relationship with Hassan change. Amir didnt not want Hassan around anymore because after the bad sitution of Hassan. Amir felt uncomfortable having HAssan around and regrets what has happen to HAssan. Amir thought the his realionship with baba was important instead of feeling bad for Hassan.

  11. Amir's relationship with Baba reflects on how Amir treats Hassan becuase Amir is jealous of Baba and Hassans relationship. Amir wants Baba to treat him better than he treats Hassan. Like when Baba always asks Hassan if he would like to go with them, or when Baba gets Hassan nice birthday presents. Amir feels as though Baba treats Hassan better so he does whatever he has to in order to get Baba to give him more attention. He wants Baba to be proud of him.

  12. Amir has been fighting for Baba's acceptance since he was born. Amir doesnt have the characteristics that Baba had as a boy. So Baba wishes Amir was more like Hassan. Amir is envious of Baba's respect for Hassan.Amir tries ways to gain his fathers acceptance but nothing works because Amir is just to different. Amir tries to make Hassan feel bad about himself because he is jealous of the good qualities he does have. Amir wanting Baba's acceptance so much put pressure on Hassan to run the last kite causing Hassan to be put in danger. Amir jeopardized his relationship with hassan to gain acceptance from his father.


  13. Amirs relationship with Baba influence the way he treats Hassan because Amir is jealous that Baba has a great relationship with Hassan and Amirs gets jealous which makes him treat Hassan bad to the point where Amir doesnt want Hassan living with them anymore and he wants new servants.

  14. Amir wanted Baba to love and accept him just as he did for Hassan. He saw the way Baba treated him and he wanted to be treated the same. Amir would lie to his father about liking sports and other things Baba loved to do. I would describe Amir as selfish because he watched Hassan get raped and did nothing about it. After that, he went home with the blue kite in his hand so he could satisify Baba by showing him that he won the kite running contest. Another thing is that Amir shows envy. Amir would treat Hassan less than a friend and more of a servant. For example, take the way he talks to Hassan. Its wrong for Amir to talk and treat Hassan just as he does. The way Baba treats Hassan isnt Hassans fault. With that being said, Amir shows envy by doing that. He takes his anger out on Hassan just because of Baba's actions which isnt fair at all.
    Imani Ragin

  15. Amir's relationship with Baba has a major influence on how he treats Hassan in many different ways. Sometimes Amir treats Hassan mean because he see's how Baba treats Hassan sometimes like Hassan is his own and kind of favors Hassan. Since Baba does not show the kind of loving and caring that Hassan recieves from his father Amir has a little bit of bitterness in him which he sometimes takes out on Hassan. Testing him in cruel ways sometimes. Amir is always trying to please Baba and gain his approval he kind of uses Hassan and Hassan knows that he is trying gain the approval of Baba so he helps Amir in everyway he can. The distance relationship between Amir and Baba allows Amir and Hassan to have a friendship.

  16. I think that Amir's relationship with Baba has a bad influence on the way he treats Hassan. Baba shows Amir affection but not the type he wants but in some odd way he shows Hassan the same type of affection and Amir doesn't understand why. He feels his only way of expressing his self is by treating Hassan poorly and trying to be better than him. Hassan lets Amir walk all over him. If Baba would just take time and really talk to Amir as if he really loved him and accepted him the way he was maybe Hassan and Amir would have a better relationship too.

  17. Amir's relation with Baba is not so good in the beginning. Baba and Amir share nothing in common and this fustrates Baba.Later on in the book we see that the only thing they seem to have in common is the love for the kite running competition. Hassan manages to get the kite for Amir and gets raped in the process. Nothin is the same after this event between Amir and Hassan. If it wasnt for Amir wanting to make his father happy the rape wouldnt have happened.So now Amir feels guilt because he watched the whole thing and didnt say anything to anybody and acts differently towards Hassan.

  18. Amir is a coward whose only desire and sole purpose through his childhood was to win the approval of his father, Baba. Even though Amir has never admitted to being jealous of Ali and Hassan's relationship or how the way Baba treated and/or praised Hassan. The actions Amir took was heavily affected by Amir's desire to please Babe because he felt that Babe wasn't proud of him because he acts nothing like Babe when he was Amir's age. Because Baba compares Hassan to Amir saying that Amir is weak and will not stand up for anything. Probably making Amir feel like he wants Hassan for a son because while Hassan fights, fights for his friends, and display athleticism while Amir is weak, a push-over, prefers reading books and writing stories. Amir's relationship with his disapproving father cause him to inferior to Hassan in the eye's of Baba, not include him on the activities with Baba, and causes him to have a unhealthy relationship with Hassan.

  19. Amir's relationship with Baba influences the way he treats Hassan because Amir wants to impress and make his father proud so badly that he forgets that even though Hassan is his servant, Hassan is the one that would put his life in danger for him. The reason why Amir does not say anything when people ask him what wrong with Hassan is he feels guilty and he knows if it were not for him Hassan wouldn't have gotten raped. I say this because Amir want the blue kite to make his father proud, which would make their relationship better; however because Hassan wanted to make his friend happy he gave up his pride.

  20. the relationship that Amir has with his father Baba is not really enough and feels that no matter what it can never be the same. Amir feels that his father would be more proud of him if he was more like hassan but Amir treats him differently after the situation with the rape happen. He treats Hassan more harshly and is confused with what he feels is right.

  21. Amir wants the complete father-son affection from baba. I think Amir feels inferior to Hassan because Baba gives him affection more than Amir. Amir is also very selfish and inconsiderate towards others. Amir has jealousy, when it comes to Hassan. I believe Amir doesn't realize his actions are very serious and dangerous for Hassan.

  22. just dosent know how to act upon it.Amir does not have the relationship with Baba so this sometimes causes Amir to push Hassan away because he has a better relationship with Baba. I believe that Amir is unware of his harmful actions,he just sees pleasing his father.


  23. Amir's relationship with Baba is a touch and go one because Baba expects Amir to be a certain way but Amir can't fulfill it. Baba shows affection and graditude to Hassan more than he does to Amir which makes Amir very jealousy and has a secretive resenment towards him. Because of that relationship Amir takes advantage of Hassan.

  24. Amir's character in the Kite Runner is jealous and selfish. He portays these actions by seeing the way Baba treats Hassan. All Amir wants wats is for Baba to accept him for him and treat him how he treats Hassan. For ecample, Baba shows more affection towards Hassan than his own son. The way Baba treats Hassan triggers Amir to act as he do. It's a shame how Amir treats Hassan especially kmowing that it isnt Hassan's fault. Hassan did things that many friends wouldn't do such as putting his life at risk and a letting Amir walk all over him.

    Imani R

  25. the relashionship that baba and amir has isnt the best. baba doesnt understand amir's ways and this hurts amir because baba looks at hassan wishing that amir was more like him. baba wants amir to strive in what baba strives in and become a strong man. it kills baba that amir isnt excatly like him thats why amir goes through his life wanting to make baba proud.

  26. Amir is jealous of Hassan because Baba treats Hassan more like a Son than a Servant. Amir wants Baba to look at him as a son more, he wants him to accept him. Amir get so upset that he stop talking to Hasson and he asks Baba for New Servants

  27. amir relatinship with baba is very touching. baba expects amir to be there all the way and he was so i would think that amir is touching to baba. Baba on the other hand was expecting him to do these things.

  28. The relationship that Amir has with his father isnt a great one at all this is why he treats Hassan so bad.Amir is upset that he has to share his father with hassan and that hassan gets the glory for being something he cant be.Amir jan is upset that his father doesnt show interest in what he likes and is upset that his father wants him to be more like hassan a leader and a go getter.Baba and Amire dont have a close relationship because they are completely oppsite from one another. They wonder about each other and amir seeks for acceptance from baba and by coping with this he`s very mean and cold hearted to hassan.

  29. Amir is a very difficult person to descirbe. He is very jealous of Hassan because he thinks Baba treats him better. Amir is complicated, even though he doesnt treat Hassan with respect. Amir´s relationship with baba is a father-stranger relationship.The reason why i think that is because Baba thinks that he is paying so much attention to Amir, but Amir feels that his father is not spending time with him , that he doesnt even know who he is as a person.

  30. In the Kite Runner Amirs character is described as confused and unaware of who he is as a person and as Babas son. he has been fighting for baba to accept him as his son since he was born. Baba treats Hassan as more of a son than Amir. Amir treats Hassan badly, by making him feel bad about himself. Amir treats him this way because he is jealous of Hassans skills to fly kites. Amir riskes his relationship with Hassan for the sake of him and Babs relationship.
