Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Thousand Splendid Suns

What did you A Thousand Splendid Suns teach you about Afghan society? What were your impressions of the Culture and specifically what it meant to be a women living in such a culture?  


  1. Hi
    Looks like a great book to explore!
    S. Nora

  2. The book a Thousand Splendid Suns taught me about the life of women in Afghanistan. The women in Afghan do not have the same rights as men, they are looked at as a lower class based on there husbands profession. When I read read the story A Thousand Splendid Suns it hurt me to see how society treated women , society made it seem like it was ok for men to walk all over women and treat them with no respect.

  3. A Thousand Splendid Suns taught me a lot about the Afghan culture it taught me about the food, the two seperate lifestyles of the Afghan people, and about the issues they faced within thier government and communities. The impression of the culture was old school and different from our modern culture. Being a women in this culture was horrible you basically was your husband slave and you didn't have a say what went on in your household.

  4. a thousand splendid suns taught me that we are very lucky. the reason why I say that is because in afghan they cant what we have. My impressions of the culture is that it is an alright culture. I like the fact that the women had to wear clothes that cover their body but I dont like the fact that the peoples woman have to walk in back of them. Its bad for us women living in such a culture. The reason why it was bad because of we are governed bu me.

  5. Some things that A Thousand Splendid Suns taught me about Afghan society were that both men and women had limited freedom,especially women. Women from Afghanistan weren't able to go places without a male among them. everyone had to pray several times a day or else they were punished and women had to wear a burqa. my impressions of the Culture were that i wouldn't want to be in their shoes. To be a women in such culture is stressful and scary. they had to be careful with their actions because it can lead to a brutal beating.

  6. A Thousand Splendid Suns taught me that the Afghan society was not free. They had to obey all the rules of the Talibans. At first I thought it wasn't a big deal because we in the U.S have to follow certain rules as well but when I really got into the book I realized that they were denied the right to do anything especially the women. Living in a culture where men where seen much more superior then women is not a good thing. The women in Afghanistan could not speak their own mind. Though in the beginning of the book women worked and went to school but when the Talibans took over they banned from doing that and from wearing makeup and jewelry and much more and if they didn't obey these things they would get beaten. It must of been really hard for these women to comply with the rules.

  7. The novel certainly taught me about the sex difference in the Afghan society. It taught me that having freedom in america is such a privillege to women. The culture itself wasn't entirely bad, but the government system wasn't fair to women. The novel taught me alot of different types of society and difference between the modern and traditional religions.

  8. The book A Thousand Splendid Suns taught me that in the Afghan society they are very sexist. Men has more authority than the women, in fact women didn't have any authority at all. The novel taught me that the best way to survive is by making your husband happy. Even if you have an abusive husband you have to take everything. My impression of Afghan society is that I dislike how they treat the women. We are all equal and should be treated as such. However in afghan culture men were superior while the women were inferior. To be a women in the afghan society is to be completely ruled by your husband. Women didn't have rights to do what they please. They didn't have rights to leave their house without being accompanied by a man- if they got caught they would be beaten. Women also had to wear the burqa at all times when they are out in public with their husband.

  9. It taught me that their society is very harsh and negative.Their society is a struggle.Their society compared to ours is crazy. Not speaking literally but its nothing compared to ours. My impressions of the culture is that it is very unfair.For example, Jalil had his daughter an arranged marriage to Rasheed. For a woman to be living in such a culture shows that women really dont have much say rather its regarding them or not.
    Imani R

  10. A Thousand Splendid Suns taught me how hard people in afghanistan had it. It taught me how different their lives were.The story showed how much religion had an affect and control on their society especially against women.My impression on that culture was not really positive. I personally would not want to live there because the way women were treated. They had no type of equality and always had to obey their men. To be a women living there meant you were nothing but someone who stood home with no value. -Martha Frias

  11. I am really impressed by what you girls have written so far !!!

    The book does clearly illustrate the social injustices what women face in that culture. I wonder how Afghan men might respond to women in the society that have managed to gain some sort of social status.

    Keep blogging! This is great. Feel free to blog more than once!

  12. A thousand splendid suns taught me the trials and tribulations people living in Afganistan had to go trough. Everyday in their society is a struggle. Religion had a major affect on how their lives were. The culture was a horrible place to live in especially for women. The women were not equal to men. The women's place was at home taking care of their husbands with no dignity and respect. I would hate to live there.

  13. The book is very touching. I learned a lot about how their lives differ from ours. The women in this culture really didnt have a say in about nothing. When u read this book, I think women or just people in general really do appreciate more of what they have and their rights etc...

  14. A Thousands Splendid Suns taught me how life was for the people in Afghanistan and How unfair their life was. It was hard for the Women because they didnt have alot freedom, they couldnt be alone because they would get beaten. My impression on the Culture was that was very Unfair and Very Sexist towards Women and i didnt like that.I wouldnt like to live in a Culture like that were Women didnt have no freedom and couldnt speak their mind.

  15. A Thousand Splendid Suns taught me the disadavantages Afghan people have. The book reflected the different day to day sturggles of an average Afghan person. Religion was imposed on people and effected there daily life.The book made me value my freedom, and respect. My impression on life for women in Afghanistan was horrible. Women had no freedom and the freedom that they did have was taken from them eventually. Being a women in that culture meant your opinion being underminded, and you having no sort of respect. I personally couldnt live like that.

  16. A Thousand Splendid Suns made me see how challenging it is to live in Afghanistan society especially during the invasion of the Taliban. I thought that their culture was not so very fair because women were not treated equally like men. Being a women in their culture meant that you had to clean, cook, and make babies. Other than that they had no authority or duty what so ever.

  17. A thousand splendid suns taught me alot about the Afghan culture. It taught me about the type of government they have. The women lost thier freedom the men were forced to work in certain places and many other things. The culture before the war seemed very peaceful and quiet but after the Taliban came and destroyed everything the people lived in fear. The women had more rules than the men. The women couldn't go out as they pleased and many other things.

  18. What the novel taught me about the Afghan society was that women were treated differently compared to the men. Women didnt really have a say in Afhanistan and when the taliban took over their rights were limited even more. It also taught me that we all should be greatful for what we have and the way we live. We live in a country where we all have freedom and everyone is treated as one.
    - Stephanie Quizhpi

  19. A Thousand Splendid Suns taught me the Alfghanistan culture was very stick and unfair to women. Women were treated unequally compared to men. They had certain rules regulations that the men didn't have to follow. It women have broken any of these strick rules and regulations they were abuse and beaten. It also taught me to appreciate my culture and to be grateful for our freedoms.

  20. A Thousand Splendid Suns made me realize what women and young girls in Afghanistan had to deal with everyday of their lives. It taught me that how other countries then The Untied States can be so cruel to their own people and not even show thier own families respect for the person they are inside. My impressions on the culture was very strong i was very surprised how men can treat their women so poor and with more disrespect then any man has to a women. To live in afghanistan i could not because me as a women i have respect for myself and who im and i wont let any man harm me or put me down as they did to their own wives in their country.

  21. It taught me that living in afghanistan wasn't easy for the people. They struggled with life and death every day they were living in a time of war, their rights were gone and they had no say in the ruling of the Tablian. The novel showed me how religion effected the society and how these people actually lived in this country. It showed me that men had more control over women and that the best way to surivive in their time was by pleasing your husband and sticking by his side. I feel as if their culture is what made them who they are today strong people who struggle but still hold their heads up. I feel as if we should give Afghanistan people the benifit of the doubt because they have been through so much. A thousand Splendid Suns actually opened my eyes and made me understand how other countries work behind mountains.

  22. Reading A Thousand Splendid Suns has made me feel grateful as a woman living in the United States by having the right to make choices freely. This novel has made me realize how religion and culture can impact and influence the lives of these women living in Afghan. Afghan women are treated with no basic human rights and are prevented from reaching their full potiental in careers and marriage. They have no choice in living the way they want to because of society's view of men ruling over everything from family rules to politics. I appreciate the opportunites women have in the
    United States to grow and become successful.

  23. A thousand splendid suns taught me that the society in Afghanistan was filled with corruption and injustices for the Afghan people. There were many rules that were unfair, mostly to women. Man had more freedom, they were able to get an education and have a job. Women had to stay at home to clean the house and take care of their children. My impression of the culture was negative, I think all the rules were really unfair, mostly towards women beacuse man shudn't be the ones controling their lives and they should be able to express themselves and be whoever they want to be and not suffer all of their society's injustices.

  24. I believe that the novel a thousand splendid suns taught use about Afghan society is that men recieve way to much power that they dont deserve. The culture in Afghan isnt fair to women because the women must be obbident to their husbands no mather what sutition your in and also hide your face and body because its only for your husband. women dont have any say in anything there treated lower and less valuble than men and that truely isnt fair.

  25. A Thousand Splendid Suns taught me how people in Afghanistan, expecially women, are not treated fairly. During the time when the Taliban ruled women were deprived of many privleges, like they could not wear jewelery, they could not smile or walk alone in public, women had to wear a burqa whenever in public, and they could not wear any type of make-up. In the U.S. women probably would not take some of the privleges seriously because we never had the experices of stopping something we might do on a daily bases completely.In the novel A Thousand Splendid Suns, it shows how much men in general miss treat women just because they can. i learned that women have duties towards men and ven if they do fufill them men have the right to abuses their wives emotionall, mentally, and even physically. For an example, Rasheed abused Mariam emotionally by marrying a younger woman and just thinking of her as an old car. He also beat both Laila and Mariam very severely.

  26. This book showed how unfair life is in Afghanistan for women. It also showed me how women were thoought to be property and how many cowardly weak men are in that country. This book made me feel the pain and the discrimination that took place in Afghanistan. Their culture seems like it deals with sovereignty,force, and violence to me especially towards women.

  27. This book A Thousand Splendid Suns was amazing to me. This book taught me so much. It taught me about the separation between Afghan women and men. It taught me about how we are completely different from, them and also when we were talking in class today about how Laila and Tariq went up the the mountain. Khaled Housseni tried to show us different stuff that we wouldn't usually see, like the stuff we see on the news. That's what i loved about the book.

  28. I learn alot from reading this book. It explains how much women go through in afgan. The society there that women are living in is cruel because they are treated like slaves and cant voice their own opinion or express how they feel about their situation. It teaches you to appriciate life more that we have the freedom to speak up and say whats on our mind. Its sad to see women being treated disrespectfully and unimportant.

  29. A Thousand Splendid sun’s taught me about how women were treated in Afghanistan. Women were treated very low and had a lack of freedom. I think that as an American woman we are lucky because were aren’t discriminated because of our gender. We are treated the same and have the ability to do anything as a man would do. I think that a woman living in this culture has it very hard because they aren’t allowed to show any parts of their body and also, have to live by a man rule. So basically they have no say in their society.

  30. A Thousand Splendid Suns taught me about Afghan society that people's rights were limited especially women. The way women had to live and were treated was very harsh. Women didn't have a say in anything. My impressions of the culture was that their lives our way different then ours and i wouldn't trade it for anything. Women in Afghan basically had no rights, they were ruled by their husband. Women weren't allowed to go out without a burqa or without a man. Women were like slaves and had to obey their husband's orders. Living in a life in Afghan seemed to be very hard.

  31. A thousand Splendid Suns taught me that Afghanistan women were treated unfairly and didnt have a life of their own. Women were considered lower then men and had to treat their husbands like they were kings. Women couldnt voice their own opinion. I felt like women weren't even seen as a human being. Women in the Afgan society doesnt really know how it is to just be themselves and not worry about being treated like a servant.Women in America have it lucky, there are programs that help us with abuse, and finding our inner self.

  32. A Thousand Splendid Suns did not really teach much about the society in Afghanistan but it did help me open my eyes to how serious the problem is.Before reading A Thousand Splendid Suns I already knew how strict the laws were in Afghan and how women were treated as inferiors over there. But after reading the novel and seeing what Mariam and Laila went through it made me realize how easy we have it the United States. Women there barely have any say in what they get to do. It is literally a mans world there and women are just around to cook, clean, and have babies. Afghanistan used to be a beautiful place but with its current strict laws it is no place for a woman that is not willing to live the life of an Islamic extremist.

  33. Although I never got the chance to read the book. When we talk about the novel in class, women seem to have more troubles living in Afghan than men do because they didn't have freedom, they were almost like slaves. They had to listen to their husbands even if they didn't want to, they were basically forced to do everything. The cultures are a lot different than people in America. Living in Afghan must be so hard but the women are brave and has strength to keep up with it.

  34. A thousand splendid suns taught me that we are very lucky,because in Afghan they cant do things that we have.The cultures In Aghanistan and in America are a lot different. Living in Afghan must be so hard for the women are brave and has strength to keep up with it and the women in American they have more freedom.Women were like slaves and had to obey their husband's orders.
    - Jazmin Carrera

  35. This book has shown me alot of life lessons. The way the author uses his words were very graphic but also interesting.This book introduced me to the life style of Afgan women and their hardships. Society in Afganistan is very different from the United states because its more traditional, instead of free to be whatever you want to be. I find afgan women very brave and strong to be living in the situations they encounter, they deal with so much but thats what they are grown to be or know.

  36. As i read A Thousand Splendid Suns it showed me alot about Afganistan women. the women lived the life of oppression. they had no rights and no since of duties other than a house wife. women were seen as lower than men and they treated their husbands like kings. it showed me their religious ways and how they lived there lives. living in Afganistan was very hard.
