Thursday, August 26, 2010


St Joseph High School, Brooklyn NY
English 12
Mr. Theophille
Course Description: This course is an exploration of British Literature from the Middle Ages to Colonial and Post Colonial England. The required reading for this course include but is not limited to works by Geoffery Chaucer, William Shakespeare, James Joyce, Oscar Wilde, Jhumpa Lahiri, Khaled Hosseini, and a number of other writers in this feild.  Students will be expected to produce writing pieces of both technical and creative nature to be prepared for college level English. 
Course requirements:
    • Students will be expected to have an English Notebook of any form, and this notebook is be used for English only (because students will be often asked to hand in assignments worked on in class, it might helpful to use a notebook with detachable pages or keep a binder). You should bring your notebook to class daily. 
    • Students are also expected to come to class with her text book or novel everyday. 
    • Students will also be require to have a professional Gmail account through which they can communicate with the teacher and participate in online blogging. Most assignments will require online submission as well as in print. 
Test and Quizzes 40%       Quizzes are worth half the weight of a test.
Projects         30% All essays are considered projects. Less extensive projects will weigh half                                                 of a regular project grade
Assignments 20%         (This includes both home work, classwork and online work i.e. Castle Learning.)
Participation 10% (This includes participation, conduct, readiness, attendance)
Class Policies
Students are notified at least a week in advance about upcoming tests. Students are given make up tests at the teacher’s discretion and it is the student’s responsibility, not the teacher’s, to find a time to make up the exam.  
If a student is absent with a valid excuse ( doctor’s note, permission slip, prior notice), the student will have (3) three days after the test is administered to make it up. After this time she will be given a failing grade. 
Students can take exam during Make-up time, or during her unscheduled class period of another English section. Students will not be allowed to make up tests during her class period. 
Quizzes will be given on a weekly basis or as needed: Vocabulary, reading and pop quizzes.  Excessive absence from these quizzes will affect test grade. 
We will have one major project ever quarter. Projects are assigned well ahead of their due date. In order to foster work attitude conducive to a college student, students will only have 3 days to hand in projects after its due date, after which she will be given a failing grade. For everyday a project is late, the student’s grade does down by 5 points. 
Homework and classroom assignments will be given daily.  It is especially important for the progress of the student and the class as a whole that the student completes her reading assignment before class. Students who fail to complete these and other assignment will find it difficult to cope as the class progresses. Don’t let them pile up! 
Assignments to be turn in will only be accepted 3 days after they are due or the student will be given a failing grade. 
Class participation is paramount in English 12. Students are expected to show up prepared for class with notebook and text books. 
  • Students are require to participation in all group activities. 
  • Student are encourages to use the bathroom before the second bell or at the very beginning of the class.  After this time, she will be asked to wait until the end of the period. 
  • Disruptive, disrespectful, and uncooperative behavior will not be accepted in class. 
  • Students unwilling to act appropriately in class will be penalized to the full extent of the school policy (see student handbook). 

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